2025 Exhibitor and Sponsor Opportunities


Thank you for your interest in the 2025 MOACAC Conference in St. Louis, MO April 2-4, 2025. This year, we anticipate hosting 200+ college admissions and high school professionals from our affiliate. Payment must be submitted at the time of registration.

We are grateful for our conference sponsors and exhibitors–we couldn’t make conference a success without your support!

Sponsor / Vendor registration has closed.


All Conference Exhibitors will receive the following:

  • The choice of one of the following:

    • One exhibitor registration with exhibitor space and 8’ table (exhibitor space is limited) OR

    • One regular full-conference registration without exhibitor space

  • 10+ hours of exhibit time to connect with conference attendees, network with future and existing clients, and expand your brand awareness

  • Invitation to a Happy Hour hosted in the exhibitor space to increase engagement and networking opportunities

  • A list of attendees one week prior to conference, and a list of attendees who join any conference educational sessions you host

  • Meals provided throughout, including breakfast and lunch on Thursday, and breakfast on Friday. Additionally, all conference exhibitors and sponsors are invited to social activities

  • Signage and recognition at conference


Conference Sponsorship Levels

Avengers: $3,500

In addition to the base exhibitor package, Avenger-level sponsors will receive recognition on the conference mobile app and on the conference website. Avenger-level sponsors will also be highlighted in promotional emails leading up to the conference. 

Avengers Sponsorship Opportunities:

  • Conference Keynote: 1 available

    • Includes 90 seconds to speak to attendees and opportunity to introduce keynote speaker.

  • Conference Social: 1 available

    • Includes 90 seconds to speak to attendees and opportunity to host Bingo round

    • Includes themed conference social drink (details TBD with Programming committee)

  • First Timers’ Breakfast: 1 available

    • Includes announcement given at the start of the First Timers’ Breakfast


Guardians of the Galaxy: $2,500

In addition to the base exhibitor package, Avenger-level sponsors will receive recognition on the conference website. Guardians of the Galaxy-level sponsors will also be highlighted in promotional emails leading up to the conference. 

Guardians of the Galaxy Sponsorship Opportunities:

  • Conference Badges and Lanyards: Sold! Thank you, StriveScan!

  • Conference App: 1 available 

    • Includes branding in conference mobile app

    • Includes 90 seconds to speak to attendees during luncheon

  • Thursday Evening Happy Hour: 1 available

    • Includes announcement given at the start of Happy Hour

  • Wednesday Evening Happy Hour: 1 available

    • Includes announcement given at the start of Happy Hour 


S.H.I.E.L.D.: $1,750

In addition to the base exhibitor package, S.H.I.E.L.D.-level sponsors will receive recognition on the conference website. S.H.I.E.L.D.-level sponsors will also be highlighted in promotional emails leading up to the conference.  

S.H.I.E.L.D. Sponsorship Opportunities:

  • Conference Wi-Fi: 1 available

    • Branded information in Conference App and rotating slides

  • Pre-Conference: 1 available

    • Includes announcement given at start of pre-con


Fantastic Four: $1,000

In addition to the base exhibitor package, Fantastic Four-level sponsors will receive recognition on the conference website. Fantastic Four-level sponsors will also be highlighted in promotional emails leading up to the conference. 

Fantastic Four Sponsorship Opportunities:

  • Session Blocks: 2 available

    • Includes announcement given at start of each session in block sponsored

    • Session Block 1 sponsored by ZeeMee!

    • Session Block 2 sponsored by MOCAN!

    • Session Block 4 sponsored by Maia Learning!


Exhibitor/Sponsor Only: $500 

Exhibitor and Sponsorship Add-Ons

Additional opportunities can be added to any of the above exhibitor or sponsorship packages. Add-ons can be selected when filling out the registration form. 

  • Additional Exhibitor/Sponsor: $250

  • Sponsorship of Registration Table: $500



Conference Committee Chair:

Amanda Henry
Whitfield School
St. Louis, MO
[email protected]