2024 MOACAC Summer Bus Tour

 Monday, June 3rd-Thursday, June 6th

The MOACAC Summer Bus Tour, open to all Missouri college counselors, showcases out of state colleges and universities. This year’s tour tentatively includes the following schools:

Indiana State | Rose-Hulman | Purdue | Notre Dame

DePauw | IU-Indy | IU Bloomington

Registration Cost: $250.00

Costs Included: Single room accommodations in West Layfette, IN and Indianapolis, IN; transportation from hotel and back to all participating colleges and universities, bus transportation between each college visit, and breakfast, lunch, and dinner during all events.

Costs NOT Included (paid by the participant): All meals outside planned events, optional hotel accommodations in St. Louis Sunday night (6/2/24) and/or Thursday night (6/6/24), and any hotel upgrades.

To maintain the quality of the tour, for both counselors and host institutions, we are limiting the capacity to 25 counselors. Attendees are expected to take part in all planned activities through the end of the tour. Counselors who choose to attend the tour will agree to arrive in St. Louis on Monday, June 3rd by 7:30 a.m. stay in the arranged hotel through the end of the tour and depart no earlier than the evening of Thursday, June 6th.

Registration closed on May 10th.


Cancellation Policy

MOACAC will refund the Show-Me Tour registration fee minus a $50 processing fee when written notice is given 30 or more calendar days prior to the event start date. No refunds will be given after 30 or fewer calendar days to the event start date. If we do not reach minimum capacity, we reserve the right to cancel the tour and will refund tour registration fees. If we do have to cancel, we will refund your registration fee but we are not responsible for reimbursing travel costs.


If you have any questions, please contact the Counselor Bus Tour Committee Chair


Show-Me Tour/Bus Tour Chair:

Anna Whitlow
Twin Rivers High School
Broseley, MO
[email protected]