MOACAC Memberships 

MOACAC memberships are valid from July 1 to June 30 of each fiscal year.

Join Now!
Existing members should check for a renewal email sent in mid-May.

Volunteering with MOACAC

Do you want to get involved, but not sure how? The best way to start getting involved is by completing our Volunteer Form. You will be able to let us know which committees you have the most interest in getting involved with, and those committee chairs will be able to reach out to you with volunteer opportunities within their committees!

Continue to our Volunteer Form



Important Information on In-Person College Fairs

Health and safety protocols are the responsibility of each college fair, based on local conditions and regulations. MOACAC does not assume liability for in-person events, and encourages attendees to inquire about the physical arrangements at a particular venue as necessary.

"Lunch and Learn" PD Session

Interested in professional development that you don't have to travel for? Sign up for a virtual Lunch and Learn session, delivered via Zoom! 

The first session will focus on best practices for school counselors and college counselors. Hear from a panel of seasoned professionals, both college counselors and generalists, on how they prepare for the school year, manage their daily calendars and the best practices they employ when working with students. 

The session will take place on Thursday, September 5th from 12:00 - 1:00 PM.

Registration will close on Tuesday, September 3rd.

Register for Lunch and Learn