Session Proposal Application

Helpful Tips

Please provide the following details with your proposal:

Target Audience (high school counselors, community college/transfer counselors, college admission professionals AND beginning, intermediate, advanced experience level)

Proposed title* (limited to 100 characters)

Contact information for session organizer (full name, organization, address, telephone, e-mail address)

Contact information for a maximum of four (4) presenters (full name, organization, title and email)

Session description of the submission (describe the content to be delivered, as well as how your presentation will be new and unique from other sessions on this topic)

* MOACAC reserves the right to edit/modify these items for length and marketing purposes

**Biographies must include one sentence with current professional information and one sentence with educational background. For example:

“Joe Smith is the Director of Admission at Far State University (WA). He has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from State College (MD) and holds a Master’s in Education from Near State University (VA).”


The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2022, and can be made through the GPACAC & MOACAC Joint Conference website


Special note to vendors: Exhibitors presentations are approved based on availability, and paid exhibitor registration fees.


For questions or more information please contact one of the Conference Co-Chairs.


Conference Committee Co-Chairs:

Amanda Henry
Whitfield School
St. Louis, MO
[email protected]

Elizabeth Kirby
Columbia College
Columbia, MO
[email protected]